A little help from the wind.

I do have a hard time getting close enough to these American robins for a decent shot. But today when I spotted this one in our yard, I was actually able to open the sliding door, sneak out onto the deck and snap several images before it turned around.  The 25 mile per hour wind gusts were muffling the sounds I was making, and I don't think the bird knew I was there.  Then my grill cover got caught up in the wind and made a racket... Fortunately, I kept shooting as the robin turned to check out the loud noise.  It seemed to think nothing of the grill cover, but once it spotted me, it took off immediately! :)

I didn't think a really windy day, would turn out to be a day that would get me many nature photo ops.  But, the wind worked out in my favor!  And one is all it takes for a blip! :))

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