
By mambo

Rainy Day Monday

Pouring down with rain so no washing and no visit to the allotment. Though I may have to go there later today, no matter what the weather, as I have a lot of seedlings that really need to be planted out.

Chelsea Flower Show begins today. I have only ever been the once, seven years ago. That day will always stay in my mind. We arrived really early and watched as the gardeners and designers opened their envelopes to find out what the judges had awarded them.

Most entrants were really happy, some ecstatic and some resigned to do better next time. Infact their responses were like all gardeners everywhere. We always strive for perfection: trying to find the perfect place for the perfect plant. Sometimes we succeed, often not and resolve to do better next time.

I have never got my garden exactly how I would like it and always reflect each year about what I can do to make it better. I will never have a show garden but enjoy the vision and enjoy the struggle in trying to achieve one. A bit like photography really!

My blip today is of a bunch of iris bought from the supermarket, sadly not grown by myself. I've played around with it and the result reminds me of a watercolour rather than the real thing.

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