A nice little Sunday

Up really early to undo some of the damage of eating and drinking at the festival yesterday. I was out on the mountain bike for 8:00am  and enjoyed the bright, chilly air for 3.5 hours. I rode along the urban canal system of the Black Country and a few disused railways. 

I really do enjoy riding around cities and towns on a different level, the landscape does look so different from a canal point of view.

After my ride I picked up the Girlfriend from her friend's house who she was visiting to see the new baby Ava, who was adorable and so so tiny. We then headed straight for lunch at Claire's cousins house with entertainment from Katie and Daniel, playing on the trampoline, swing and on several board games.

The weekend was finished off with a nice relaxing evening infront of the telly. Crammed so much in again to this weekend and already looking forward to the long one next week which conveniently coincides with my Birthday.

Extras from Yesterday

Hope you've all had a good one

Mr Bo Hingles

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