Vaguely Marvellous

By Benelia

White Flowers, White Wall

Those shadows making me happy again.

Have had a slow day: it was the final psych paper today, so no teaching. I have noticed an interesting phenomenon. As a teacher, we are always under pressure and have too much to do. So when I find myself without an immediate, imminent deadline I find myself incapable of doing anything. Like "learned helplessness"  I suffer from learned ooomphlessness. I just made that up, in case you were wondering, .

Anyway, a peaceful day, followed by a peaceful evening. Got home early, confusing Marc so much that he served supper an hour early, so I had lots of time after supper to take photos of my favourite wall. The extra photo is a close up of the bit behind the vase, I couldn't decide which one I liked best. 

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