Ramonda myconi

Nineteen years since I saw it growing on rocks in Pyrenean woodland.  Hope I will get back to those mountains one day.  

Not a difficult plant to grow, best in part shade but beware slugs and snails ..... they destroyed all the flower buds last year.   A member of the Gesneriaceae, it is related to Streptocarpus and Saintpaulia (African Violets) and can be increased from leaf cuttings although sadly not as easily as the two house plants named above.  I will be giving it a try in the autumn.  Ramonda can also be raised from seed, as my plants may have been given the two colours that have arisen from a single purchase.  The seed is microscopic and needs constant moisture and lots of patience to germinate, the seedlings are also minute, a labour of love to increase the plants either way.

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