More Musings After Work

I'm a hard working dude these days. I'm churning out the swimlanes. Covering the ground. Risk! Coverage and criticality. What this programme needs is more artefacts, and I’m just the man to hack them out. And squirrel them away. Password protected.
Still, made it out for the briefest of trips at lunchtime to get that meal deal. A slightly different Eat Natural bar though. Variety is the spice! Look, I haven’t time to write all this. I certainly haven’t got time to read it back. What about something more, for balance. The work life balance.
Something not about work. Y’see, later I picked up the post at the harbour and had a good chinwag with Charlie whose boat is up for sale and under offer. And heard the latest about another of the guys, DMcK, who is not in a good way at all - Charlie had just been up to visit him. You never know what may strike, and when, as we all know. That’s maybe why we shouldn’t waste time bishing out swimlane diagrams. Or squirrelling them away.
Keir Starmer though? Could be, could be. Bet Len McCluskey wuddna like that.

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