This is what happens when.........

You leave your allotment for too long!
It was really getting on my nerves having to continually weed so Marlanes' idea of the weed suppressant covering was brilliant and it works. 
However, the whole allotment is not covered with the suppressant stuff and this is near the shed where the raspberry plants are growing.
It is completely overgrown so this morning I have just had a go at tidying a bit, clipping edges and mowing with the petrol mower. 
I'm amazed at the petrol mower, an old Briggs & Stratton that I got free from FREEGLE so it was already very old and not wanted. It's been much abused at the allotment with rope, plastic and other stuff getting wrapped around the blades, hidden stones and bricks being shattered and blunting the blades but it starts every time I want to use it and it lies in the allotment shed all winter and gives a little leap of joy when I take it out to start it up once again. Every so often I treat it and take the blade off and sharpen it with my angle grinder (another brilliant tool).

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