Covered in Bees

By PaulFS

The Grass is Always Greener

If I ever run out of ideas of what to blip (*when* I run out) I could do a lot worse than do a series of photo's from all of the lay bys on the A14/A1.

Everytime I cruised by one at 70mph, I'd cry a little bit inside at the missed opportunity of the yellow striped field with the awesome sky in the background and a single tree.

But I did pull over at one on the off chance of a decent blip, just as the sky was turning *really* interesting. I can't remember where I was - so no map location, but the field was gorgeous lush green and sometimes flat is as fun as fells.

Minutes later the heavens opened and unleashed hell on my windscreen.

Very tired - I don't enjoy driving anymore. No that's not true. I do enjoy driving. I just don't enjoy watching other people *trying* to drive. If I was in charge of the world I'd be so draconian. If you move into another lane and don't indicate, well you obviously don't know how to drive. No licence for you mate. Ever. Tailgate? Prison! Hey - you'll get to know the *real* meaning of tailgating in prison pal!

What else...

I went to the lighting of the beacon on Baildon Moor tonight and while it might be a more appropriate blip for the day, the photo's were rubbish. I had this image in my head of silhouettes waving the flag against a firey background. And in my head it will stay! It was good to be there though.

Chill day tomorrow so hopefully I'll be able to catch up on journals a bit :o)

Backblipped my cute nephew Harry earlier :o)

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