jeni and the beans

By themessymama


Today was Tidy Up Day. Needless to say we've not got a great deal done. This is Ben jumping on our bed. Thank goodness it's foam and not sprung.

I'm in a grump now for various reasons, never a good idea to write a journal while you're in a grump as it will never give a decent account of the day, so I'll attempt a writeup another day.

Laptop took a funny turn on Tuesday so I have been storing up blip writeups until such time as I can get the pictures off my camera!

Today's update:

Today was supposed to be Tidy Up day. Needless to say we didn't get a great deal done. We got up ridiculously late, which threw all mealtime normalcy out of the window. But, we sorted out some of the boxes in Ben's room. That was about it. Steve's still sorting things out for the PA/AV for a visiting speaker on Wednesday so he was distracted, and the regular housework / Charley sleeptimes / need for food took up most of the rest of the time. Still, it's a start.

Got a pregnant bump booked in for painting in the morning, bit scared I'm going to do a rubbish job, and don't know where my facepaints are!

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