
By FarmerGirl

Another cool, overcast day

I thought I would get out and about early this morning, as we have a severe weather warning issued for our area. We can expect 120 to 180mm of rain in the next 24 hours, with possible thunderstorms, and snow down to 1000m overnight. Yuk!

So, feeding out this morning, I took the camera along. This picture shows the cows that were dried off last week, being fed their hay and new grass this morning. You can see in the distance that it is a very gloomy day and it hasn't improved during the morning. Here it is lunch time and it is only 6.5 degrees C outside - that will probably be our high for the day!

Many thanks for everyone's support and kind comments for yesterday's blip. It made spotlight - ya hoo! This is the first time I have achieved this - and I'm sooo chuffed. I couldn't have done it without you all - so many thanks!

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