Golden Hour, Golden Bokeh

Another day of family admin and mediation. Jazzy dog and I went down the field at around 8:00 pm. It has been five days since we last went down there. Gosh, everything has grown. We follow the tracks created by wildlife. I had to push my way through the nettles, my legs are tingling.

As I reached the gap between disused glasshouses 9 and 10 and 11,12 and 13 I saw my little muntjac deer peering at me through a haze of sheep's parsley. Gorgeous.

I looked into number 13 as I always do and a rather scruffy Reynard jumped up from his snooze and ran for cover. 

My pic is of our dear grey horsey friend in the Donkey Field shot through the bokeh created by the lovely lime-green leaves of the hedge.   

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