A HigherPlace

At last it was a decent day and a reasonably early start. We decided to walk up Great Dodd and Clough Head.  We parked and set off and I thought how peaceful it was with the skylarks larking and the breeze rustling, oh yes and me chuckling because we discovered that LooseCanon had ripped the seat of his trousers. Not just a little tear but a great gash about a foot long. He has previous form with this type of offence as regular followers may know, the blame for which he usually lays squarely at the door of dodgy fabric manufacturers. However this particular event did occur about ten minutes after the consumption of a large chocolate bar so who knows?........
It wasn't my favourite Wainwright walk today because it involved a slow steady trudge up a rather featureless grassy boggy slope, but the reward came at the top where from one point it was possible to see five big lakes, Ullswater, Thirlmere, Buttermere, Derwentwater and Bassenthwaite.
By this time the wind had got up considerably and LC's trouser ventilation was increasing so much so that the Italian pants he was wearing ( don't ask, another long story) were billowing out quite spectacularly like a well filled spinnaker.
He had to keep facing towards anyone we met today so as not to reveal the extent of the 'wardrobe malfunction'. Fortunately on such a cold windy day that wasn't too many .
This was the trig point at the top of Clough Head.

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