Life of a bubble maker

By redditchrascal

J and the Thesis

Early start today as we needed to get everything packed out of the accommodation before we went out diving. Weather is worse with rain and wind. Headed over to do the Thesis. A nice wreck, which has unfortunately collapsed over the winter. It used to have a nice bow section that you could swim around but this is sadly no longer the case. Still not too bad a dive. Headed off the wreck in search of scallops but only found 3 that were a good enough size. Here is J in part of the wreck with loads of dead men’s fingers. People say that British diving isn’t very good. Even though the quality isn’t very good you can still make out all the beautiful soft coral we have.
Came up to find one of the other guys making up the trip had decided to dump his kit on the surface as he thought it was malfunctioning. We agreed to forfeit going over to the other wreck site and see if we could find it. 3 pairs kitted up and while we were waiting a large hailstorm came over the boat. The skipper waited till it had passed before putting people in. A few of us were on deck strapped into kit and had to wait the storm out under the hailstones. J and me stayed on the boat in case we were need to put a line on the found kit. The first pair in found it in full working order and managed to bring it up. We abandoned doing a second dive as the weather had picked up and we wanted to head home early.

Nice weekends diving. Managed to get back in time to get chippies and watch the GP before going to bed.

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