Newmarket Clock Tower

The Clock Tower is at the top of the High Street, Newmarket. Local builder Richard Arber built it to commemorate the Diamond Jubilee of Queen Victoria in 1897. The tower was paid for by public subscription and local racehorse trainer Charles Blanton donated the clock, made by Smith's of Derby. It takes 115 turns to fully wind the clock every week. I often go to Newmarket for shopping as it is not so crowded as Cambridge. Also there is an excellent toy shop which the grandchildren like and an award winning fish and chip shop with a sit down area. I always eat there when in the town and the extra photo is of my plateful of cod and chips. My daughter who has lived in the USA for 25 years really misses our fish and chips, but her husband is quite good at making them as he uses the same batter recipe. I shall send her the picture and make her mouth water. She also misses our fresh cream cakes so I videoed myself eating one !

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