By wellsforzoe


From Benjamin.

Hie Boss,
Attached are Farm pictures. The first picture shows Quince root stocks on a stool bed. They have plated 100 of them, though not finished planting.

A ripe quince has a lovely yellow skin and looks like an overweight pear. It originates from Asia and has been dated back more than 2,000 years.

A quince cannot be eaten raw as it is astringent. In other words it will leave your mouth very dry, just like an unripe banana. It’s low in calories, just 57 calories per serving (100g or 3.5oz) and provides a good source of vitamin C. It’s also full of pectin which is believed to help lower cholesterol, regulate blood sugar and prevents the total absorption of fat as it creates a gel in the stomach.
As it has a high pectin content, the quince is ideal for jams and jellies. Just like a pear, the core of this fruit needs to be removed. 

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