twinned with trumpton


Strangely jarring day; nothing seemed to flow for a long time.

Things like having to wipe spilled chicken / marmalade / mustard sauce off the work lap top before logging on; the garage being inept and late and ultimately not taking the car to fix until next week. (Although I may go elsewhere as although they're good, they're not reliable...)

Then three of the most taxing visits in ages back to back; the pensioner (no not that one) who started at the beginning in 1996; followed by the amiable Frenchman in Leith who moved the canoe he was making in his living room out the way so I could come in and listen to his description of the tiling pattern he had in his kitchen before it was repaired (he also had a working model if a wind generating device that someone had stolen the plans for and several other gripes about humanity I told him was not in my remit to deal with. I hope his MSP appreciates the report I'll be sending back...!
And then the life of grime guy at the east end of town; amiable, friendly, but so slow as to make laconic look positively brisk. And then after Jules had left, he collared me for another 25 minutes...!

The afternoon was better and by the time I used my initiative to get results for the final two, it was then time for a triple school round up. G, then Tom followed by Alex; all back to mine for the imaginative but well received bangers beans potatoes combo.

Dropped G and then had words with X as she is stirring heavily. Nipped that in the bud and then went on the offensive. And will continue to do so tomorrow as well.

And a long chat (again) before she admitted defeat and slept....

I may do likewise. Back to firing on all cylinders.

I think I found Esher's inspiration.

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