Ahwahnee Hotel, Yosemite

Today was a day of contrasts.
A drive through the heartland of California farming
Rainbird sprinklers watering turf
A man in an RV sales lot hosing off dozens of massive RVs
A dam in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada that is so low it looks like a scar.
Miles and miles of burned trees and snags, once part of the Yosemite National Forest before the Rim fire a couple of years ago.
The rain began as we waited at the park gate
Dogwood trees were in bloom as we descended the narrow road into the valley
Open views in the valley as the meadows opened up
Swirling mists over the sheer rock sides
The beautiful Ahwahnee Hotel, massive public rooms filled with people
Afternoon tea on the Mezzanine
Forget tea…time for a glass of wine in the bar. It was a long drive.

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