Tomb of the Unknowns

It was a cold and rainy day today as we took our visiting friends around DC and Mount Vernon.  The temperatures were nearly 40 degrees cooler than they were just 48 hours ago.  

It seems appropriate to post this image of the Honor Guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldiers at Arlington Cemetery as we are about to start our Memorial Day holiday weekend.

One of the most fascinating things I learned today is that our friend, who my husband has known since high school and I have known for 30+ years is the nephew of Cornell Capa, founder of the International Center or Photography.  Cornell was the younger brother of renowned war photographer and photojournalist, Robert Capa, whose photos of the Spanish Civil War and the D-Day invasion would be familiar to many. 

 "If your photographs aren't good enough, you're not close enough."  Robert Capa


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