Slippers, wine and... toilet roll

Given the fact that we're all the same species, I'm amazed sometime by the variation amongst us. Not just things like hair colour or height, but also the way our bodies react and deal with things.

For example, colds. Here's how I get a cold: for a day or two, maybe more, I'll feel a bit low or maybe a bit grumpy. I'll wonder what's wrong with me, why I'm so out of sorts (it *never* occurs to me that I'm ill). And then one morning I'll wake up coughing and full of cold and thing "Aha! I'm not well!". And, typically, the next day I'm all right again.

This time it was different. A longish walk in the cold last Monday seems to have been the cause of a sore throat on Thursday and Friday, then I had an irritating tickly cough over the weekend and, today, bingo! Snot city. That accounts for the toilet roll in the photo.

I don't suppose the wine needs much by way of explanation but my feet? Well, the key thing is the slippers. Last weekend, in an inexcusable excess of his 'n' hers, the Minx and I both bought slippers from Mahabis. We tried them on for the first time today and, actually, they were really rather nice. 

So, this is me: slippers, tissues and a glass of wine. Perfect.

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