
By Madchickenwoman

Incey Wincey Spiders!

Apart from taking Portly Lucy round the block, potting on some Zinnia seedlings and giving Daisy eye drops, I have done nothing! Well, apart from rotating Daisy and my little Milly and Tilly on outside play! Tilly is still posturing aggressively, Milly is just trying to pinch her food!
 I fell asleep on the sofa last night and woke at 6 in a little curled up ball! I did too much yesterday and I'm suffering today! Damn and blast it! It certainly is a pernicious and persistent virus!
On my way out to get Lucy I spotted this little ball of spiders - well it was a neat little ball till I inadvertently pinged their web, at which point they scattered outward rather like one of those childrens  kaleidoscopes that change pattern as you twist the end! I guess they are making themselves look bigger to scare the potential predator, or maybe they have a fight / flight instinct and just scatter! I also wonder if the mum spins their web and lays them on it, or they make their own when hatched - it does seem a strange place to choose, not hidden but out in plain sight. One year I had a spider ball in my conservatory, I left it  and one day it split - they divided and went in all directions to form smaller balls! They were like an invading army setting up outposts! The next morning they had all gone! 
I plan another lazy day tomorrow so that I can go out and enjoy my birthday monday! Even passed up on a BBQ at Vegan Jo's this evening! But I got to watch the evening antics of Mouse 1  and 3 - Mouse 2 who is usually on the ceramic bird feeder was a no show - or maybe it was Mouse 1 and Mouse 2 decided the tea cup was easier and more plentiful feeding so joined Mouse 3!  If only I could put little coloured tags on one of their paws to tell them apart - bought some for the chickens just because I thought they were pretty and a bit of bling for them!! 
If you have time take a look at this - Magna Carta embroidery. It is the most interesting and beautiful  7 minute film about how Cornelia Parker created a 13-metre-long embroidery depicting the Magna Carta Wikipedia page, helped by over 200 individuals including Jarvis Cocker, Edward Snowden,Baroness Doreen Lawrence and many prisoners.

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