
By cowgirl

A prickly subject!

We've been pottering about the garden at intervals today, but my main aim was to get our 4 faithful cacti potted up. It's probably been about 5 years since we last did it ( we've owned them for about 6 years - an IKEA buy that we didn't even know we needed, but suddenly had to have ... ) so they were well overdue. Hope they like their new homes.

The other noteworthy event today was that I went for a sort of interview at another stables today. This one is a show jumping set up for the most part and they need help in the afternoons, which fits in perfectly with mornings at the stables I'm already at. I start on June 1st! Sorry - more horsey blips to come!

I popped in to see the yearlings today and saw the boy has mud fever so went to the stables to tell them and was told my boss had come a cropper at the show she was at and was in hospital! Thankfully she's back home now, a bit sore and no doubt she'll be feeling a bit stiff for a few days, but it could have been worse.

*Mud fever, also known as scratches or pastern dermatitis, is a group of diseases causing irritation and dermatitis in the lower limbs of horses.

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