'The Exeption''

Well, four years ago he came out...dragged out actually. By Innes, the most efficient 'on it' consultant you'd ever want. She was super cool.

Joe had spent so long trying to get out that he got tired (me too if truth be told). His heart rate was dropping to frighteningly slow beats, until it pretty much stopped.

I lost four tiny babies in early pregnancy over the previous two years. Each time we were calmly philosophical about it, but my heart truly broke and in the back of my mind I wondered what the hell I was doing wrong.

When Joe lay on my chest for the first time, I asked the consultant if he really was ok...really ok. To me he is my miracle child. The baby who survived when the others had to leave us.

Words will never describe just how special he really is to me.

Happy Birthday Joseph.x

In other news - Happy 10th Anniversary to me and Opendoor.xx

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