
By memento


 The fact that I spent the day with some of my favorite people, including a nine and eleven-year old, strangely gave me the courage I needed to go on all the most insane rides at Valley Fair.

The Looping Starship is nuts. I went on after taking this, not fully realizing how high it is at the top and how bloody awful it is to hang upside down with nothing but the harness holding you in. Would do it again in a minute, though.

The Xtreme Swing was infinitely more fun, just because it didn't turn you upside down. If we weren't trying to hit all the rides before day's end, I would have gotten right back in line for seconds.

LOVED the Power Tower, probably my fave of the day.

We saved Wild Thing for last. When I stood by the Snoopy fountain and caught the car at the top of the loop, I thought: holy crap that is high. I don't like heights all that much. Didn't stop me from getting on it and once the car ratcheted us up the first incline and we started down the mind-blowing drop, I pretty much blew my vocal chords out. It is the most fabulous, smooth, well thought out coaster I have ever been on. The 11 year old next to me didn't make one peep the whole time.

I can't wait to go back and do it again.

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