West Norwood blips

By KandCamera

Mono Monday - DON'T PANIC

I've got my towel, the BOOK and a Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster. I'm ready for anything!

I've been out of touch with Mono Monday for the last few weeks and not known the theme but this morning I saw an entry which told me today's and I just had to come up with an entry. The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a fantastic theme!

When I was a teenager I bought my dad a recording on cassettes of the radio series as a present but I listened to them far more than he did! So much so that I memorised a few bits of it. (But nowhere near as much as the Australian I met in a youth hostel in Italy who could recite pretty much the whole of the first book!)

When I first got my smartphone I realised I now had an earth-only Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy to carry with me. Now when will someone invent a Babel fish???

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