
2years 228 days

Going home day today. Disappointed girlies all round. But it was helped by one last play on the trampoline. Katie appeared to know that as she bounced her little heart out. She loved it. But she always has loved that kind of thing! She was too unimpressed at leaving to say goodbye to Lyra and Ellie - she seems to think not saying goodbye will prevent the actual doing of the leaving!

We got off no problem. She was such a good girl on the way home. She fell asleep on the underground to Victoria, and stayed asleep until we were on our big train home. She spent most of the journey grinning at ladies opposite us,and playing games on the phone - pausing to pull more cheeky faces at the ladies. When they got off they stopped to say what a credit she is to me, and i have to agree how proud I was of her.

We stopped to do a food shop on our way home, as I had planned for us to get a taxi anyway. When we arrived, granny and Grandad had beaten us home, which helped make up a bit for the requests for Lyra and Ellie she'd made on the last train of the day. GrannyGrandad read lots of stories with Katie, she tried to get them to take her in the pool and wouldnt believe it was cold without dipping her toes in. At which point she ran back in!

She was in bed pretty early, my happy but tired little bunny!

Backblips of a fab trip away!

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