Country File

By marypot

Finally meeting Mr Flowers

So...following on from yesterday's blip about the Brandon Flowers concert, and his impromptu acoustic serenade from a balcony outside Manchester Academy, a little after midnight he came down to meet the remaining fans gathered outside. I was still recovering from my blackout but was on my feet again by now. I've never met the man before despite being a fan for 11 years, but tonight it finally happened. I got his CD cover and the gig ticket signed and also had a short chat about the gig. He was such a gentleman and made sure he signed for everyone who had waited. The fans were quiet and polite in response and moved out the way once they'd had their moment to let others in.

Once he'd finished and said a big thank you to everyone for coming out and a goodnight, he hopped back onto the tour bus and we slowly made our way back to the hotel as I was still rather unsteady. En route we bought much needed sustenance - pizza and chips - and stuffed our faces with it back at the hotel whilst reminiscing about the night's events.

After a few hours' sleep I said goodbye to my friends and drove back up north to be reunited with Hubby and the girls. I had missed them tons. It was lovely to see them all again.

And so ends my escape. Tomorrow the reality of what happened last week hits hard again. Lots to do, people to see. Not looking forward to it. I'm glad I now have some magical Manchester Brandon moments to go to when in despair.

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