A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Retirement Home

Probably not this one. And probably in about the same amount of working life all over again as I've had already so hard to imagine. But when we pulled our chairs to the corner of the garden to get the very last of the evening sun it was what it brought to mind.

Busy day for four of us. A long(er) walk than intended this morning as we mislaid a public footpath or two. On the plus side we found Albi some more fabulous fields to bound through. We were planning on walking to lunch but wisely made our way back to drop off an exhausted pup and drive into Wells instead. The only downside really to all of this was that J only made a small way down the road before we needed to bring him back. I know I thought we were passed this but not quite it seems. So a bit more convalescence required. Fortunately a lovely setting for doing so.

After lunch somehow turned into an action packed afternoon for me and Anna - gym, swim and tennis. Carlos opted for gym and armchair cricket.

A fine steak dinner from DaMo. And after the evening sun some Britain's Got Talent.

Lesley x

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