An Avid Lensman

By SarumStroller

Complex Night Shot

Looked out the window just past midnight and was a bit surprised to see a nice fat lemon wedge of half moon. Forecast was for cloud, until tomorrow afternoon.

Better LARGE! See the stars!

I'll have a bit of that, I thought, grabbed tripod and went to a place I used to Blip quite a bit more a couple of years ago. Seems I've been going further afield, of late, as I explore new areas and have become able to walk further.

On the footbridge, looking over toward the fire station and my favourite gasometer, I started with just moon above the trees only, with stars. Perfectly fine - and rather nice.

But, like on Who Wants to Be A Millionaire, I immediately thought, I want to try for more in a shot - and so it came to this. The moon soon dipped below the trees and the effect was lost.

Think that a night-time with moon and stars needs a high iso, such as 6400? This is just iso 200, the same as your sunny day shots - and the standard 30 secs only exposure, too.

Thanks to all, for everything on yesterday's sunrise.

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