The Living...the Dead...the Annoyed

This scene at the cemetery happened so quick that I didn't have time to change any settings. If I could have...I think I would have upped the aperture from f8 to maybe hope of getting Daddy Crane in focus.

The blackbirds were all over Dad. Why didn't they attack Mom or the toddlers? Makes me wonder if Dad had somehow dissed the blackbirds...maybe made fun of their orange wings.

Another odd thing. Any time I've been in a blackbird nesting area...both parents came after me. At one time in this attack...there were 4 blackbirds on the crane...all of them males. I've never seen them working together doing anything...let alone pecking on such a big bird. As the Hardy boys used to say..."It's a mystery."

Also saw 3 deer today. 2 of them are on my flickr page, along with a couple of horses and a kildeer. The little doe...a deer...a female deer...let me take 47 shots of her...most of them posed like the old Betty Grable poster. (Rear end with a backwards glance.) Sexy. (The poster...not the deer.)

Still reading Seabiscuit. As long as I'm reading it...I'm looking in the sunshine for some top-of-the-line fine equine. Not bovine...not canine...not porcine...not feline....not ursine. I draw the line at genuine equine. Equines put me on Cloud Nine. OK! ENOUGH! That's my bottom line. No more monkeyshine. I see the finish line, and finished I be.

Now....who's annoyed?

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