Between fen and mountains

By Tickytocky

Weeds in the wall

These flowers (valerian?) are growing out of every wall and on every bit of waste land. As weeds go, they are quite attractive.  Today, the morning was taken up with the quarterly meeting of the Mairie and the church committee.  The summer concert programme was discussed as well as the thorny problem of temporary toilets, whether to buy new or second hand and the extra cost of one that is suitable for both handicapped and able bodied people, the possibility of buying a boiler, key holders and security.  Then as always there were questions of local politics and how much support we can count on from M. le Maire.  I then prepared materials for this afternoon's French class which was an article on funny but feeble excuses given by motorists to the traffic police.  Tonight it is badminton and we have a match.

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