
We tend to think of orchids as being plants of the tropical rainforests, growing in gaudy profusion in steamy jungles. In our chilly, northern climes they are difficult to grow and restricted to expensively heated glasshouses.

But not so. I've been working all the hours God sends the last couple of weeks and, to be honest, I think it's taking a toll. I'm not recovering well from each day at work to be ready for the next one. I went in early this morning, achieved what I needed to do and then someone noticed that I was looking tired and, knowing how many hours I've been putting in, sent me home at 11 with the instruction 'rest'.

I was relieved. I went home, had a bath and a doze and then had a mooch about the garden, pulled at the odd weed and planted some of the plants I'd picked up in Chorlton on Saturday. That achieved I went for a walk.

The area where we live is suburban and pretty green with all the gardens. It's a pleasant part of the city. Connecting the various areas there are a series if paths that connect woodlands and meadow areas that are allowed to grow wild. They were full of flowers. At one point I spotted this orchid proving that orchids WILL grow even in suburban Manchester. I did a little research on the Internet and think it's a Northern Marsh Orchid which sounds right as we are close to a wetlands nature reserve and in wet weather part time ponds have been known to collect in our garden.

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