Free teen

He had one job.

One. Job.

I was waiting for a call back last week to tell me when the garage could service the car, quite why the snooty* receptionist couldn't just let me speak to the person in charge of the service appointment system I don't know, but it took two days and two phone calls to achieve a call back. No one can wait in that long, so when I went out the teen was told to take a message, which he did, he even wrote it down**, the message was 'Tuesday, 11:15' and I asked this 'this Tuesday or next?'

I got to the garage to be told that it's next Tuesday.

In his defence he did say that the woman on the phone only said Tuesday, which I can quite imagine.

* I've suffered her 'customer service' face to face, she's crap.
** in hieroglyphics, I pity his teachers.

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