On the buses

Thank you to the Queen, for the extra day off from work : )

We've had a really good day today. We went to Chainbridge Honey Farm... which is just across the border in Northumberland... It's a very cute and random visitor attraction. Firstly there's a honey farm and a little visitor centre full of really cool information about bees... This is combined with a collection of vintage vehicles and a small oddball museum. There's a couple of old buses there.. one of which has been turned into a cafe... These were the lovely ladies who served us tea and honey cake : )
And this is Dave on the top deck... and this is the bus from outside...
It was a choice between this picture and this old caravan/trailer... but I filtered the sky on this and it got an unnatural pinky tinge....

Then we went and had a mooch around Norham castle ... Finally I've been for a run this evening and then wolfed down the rest of the roulade ... a happy day
more pics if you're interested

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