
 I made quite a bit of progress on the thinking-up-questions front - very tricky to make them not too easy and not too difficult. My outing for the day was up to the Salvation Army clothes recycling bin and then home via a bit of shopping in LiDL. It's a different experience from shopping anywhere else (even Cabbagetree might enjoy it!). I always feel quietly triumphant if I get away having only bought what I went in for - today I could have come away with an arc welder for £39.99, a plunge saw (what's that? ) for £49.99, a lavender plant in a zinc pot (2 for £8) or a paper craft set for only £3.99. But I didn't notice the men's performance tops and shorts (only £3.99 apiece) until I got home and leafed through this week's brochure. 

Now I'm wondering whether I should have bought a set for Mr H.

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