Golden Moment

I caught Raspberry in a sunbeam through the staircase slats as I came upstairs to hopefully find her napping in the sun. She did just that after marking her territory before getting comfy.

I had a rather busy morning on a hot and humid day. Some routine blood work for an upcoming yearly check up and errands. When I got home I had a call for a bit of help with matting and framing advice for the photo I printed of Fritz for his funeral service in early June. Luckily, I had two lovely shots of him at our plant sale two years ago. They were both suitable, BUT, he was wearing a red Hanover Garden Club apron in both. I was able to crop, tweak and clone out the apron with patience and photoshop. If one looks closely the plaid of his blue shirt looks a bit mad, but his face will be the focal point. Matted and framed, it will be just what is needed for his service in early June.

Speaking of June, Memories4Me and I will be having a blipmeet here at Dogcorner, on June 8th!! 

For the Record,
This day came in hot and humid with clouds moving in as the day goes on.

All hands healing

Truer color

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