Free The Mind

By SumK

A Royal Weekend

Yes it is the double bank holiday weekend, and a chance for the country to have cake, tea, moan about the weather and feel patriotic. I personally am a great fan of the monarchy sure it might not be the modern or trendy in todays world but still. Why I think the queen is great:
1) She's in public office and not a politician, someone with a bit longer term view than just the next elections.
2) She's a great representative of the country, in fact having a monarchy in it's self is good in terms of international relations just read The Twelve Pillars of Wisdom and see how the middle east respects us because of the monarchy.
3) She's a last line of defence against extreme governments, if the worst occured she could likely get into the political arena throw her weight behind a party and prevent an extreme party taking control.
4) The tourism it attracts.
5) Prince Phillips jokes.
The queens done a great job like a rock for the UK.
God Save the Queen

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