SPhotography-One Year V2

By SummersPhoto

BH Day 1...

Back blipping past 4 days! Please have a look and let me know what you think!!

Saturday should have been one of those fabby days, but was a downright disappointment!

Steve was playing golf in morning which gave me some time at home to sort out business bits. That was ok!

My car was in garage getting serviced and we were told to expect car back in the morning. 3:30pm I get it back! Grr! All my lovely plans went out the window. Not to worry, headed to town.

Got to hairdressers and they were closing early so could only get fringe cut! Few other mediocre bits happened, but was just not going to plan.

I cheered myself up by buying jeans and went to the big family BBQ.

That was great, was so lovely to see everyone and have a decent catch up. Dropped the inlaws home as I was taxi tonight and then Steve and I went to the Beer Keller in Bracknell to see the live band Delorian. They are superb, 70-90s rock covers.

A good way to end the strange day!

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