my name is not Liz Imbrie

By LizImbrie


I know, I know, another isn'tmybabycutewhenhe'seating picture but I couldn't resist. What. A. Mess.

Half day at work today so I could take Dex to his appointment with the paediatrician up at Sick Kids. As predicted, he's being referred for more allergy tests but not until November/December time! Until then, we've just been given a list of food to avoid.  He's happy with Dexter's height and weight though so that's a good thing. Still following the 2nd centile line.  (That's the same as an average child 4 months his junior!)

Watching the footie now. (currently half time at time of writing) If you listened to the noises coming from our sofa, you would believe Hearts are playing in orange tonight.

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