Life with The Pinks

By suzypink

Field of gold

Or buttercups at least.

We've had a good day today. A day unplanned that turned out well. We had a lazy start followed by a dog walk locally. My Godsons 2 & 3 and their mum caught us up on the walk, and we did some geocaching together. We are so lucky to have fields to play in, and trees to climb. I'm very grateful.

Miss Pink decided that we should have a picnic together, at home though as we had no food with us. So as conveniently we live next door to each other, we pooled the food we had, and shared a picnic lunch.
After icecreams, the children started a water fight. I'm a wuss at things like that so kept clear and took photos! But they had a great time, and all were completely drenched!

We went round to see Deb's partner this evening. It felt sad going to the house, and not shouting up the stairs to tell her we were there. I do miss her. Her daughter though, soon had me occupied reading Disney princess stories and putting hair accessories in my hair!

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