Home Is Where the Bunnies Dance!

It was day 2 of the bun-cott. There had been no sign of rabbits in the yard since my husband mowed it. Alas, all of Mini Bunzini's favored front-yard treats (the round seeded dandelion heads) had been mowed under. How did we expect them to feel about this major loss? And so my husband paced, listlessly, bunlessly. "Looks like we might be moving into day 3 of bun-cott," he said sadly.

And so we watched the yard carefully, hoping for their return. Shortly after 7 pm, my husband perked up. "What's that?" he said hopefully, a lilt in his voice; "Is that a bunny?" And indeed it was. Not just one but TWO bunnies. Mini Bunzini and Stripe.

And suddenly there were wild binkies in the yard, as the two bunnies hopped over each other and played. And these mad leaping skills, my friends, are ones that they were developing even as young buns back in the winter time (for evidence, see here and here).

In this photo, the two bunnies are completely airborne (above the neatly mown grass), swirling around and around one another. I've also included a second photo of the two bunnies - see lower right extra photos area - the one bun has its head down and is nibbling away, while the second bun looks like it might be praying. ("Kthx for these gifts, O Lord, which we are about to nom!")

The tune to accompany this joyous scene of the bunnies' return to the yard is the Steve Miller Band, with Dance, Dance, Dance.

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