
By wsjohnson

"look what's happening in the streets"

"One generation got old, One generation got soul, This generation got no destination to hold"

"Pick up the cry! Come on now we're marching to the sea, Got a revolution, got a revolution" . . . .

Back in the good old days, when I had the biggest Afro you could ever lay your eyes on

(which later became rastafarian dreads, all sadly now a long ago memory)

marching, dancing, chanting and protesting in the streets was the thing to do, you know "power to the people" and all that.
Interestingly enough, it appears to be in vogue once more, locations and faces may have changed but sadly, the cause remains the same . . .

Anywhoo, the flowers over at Safeway are in full bloom and this being "flower Friday" well . . . . .

(Yeah, the 'weird' is back)

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