Capturing my Journey

By thedoglady


The daisies have erupted on the silage field. Breagh is running back to tell me how she had chased the geese off and did she do good! Housework this morning then office work this afternoon. Had sense of humour failure as all the technological devices in the office decided to malfunction today.

The Farm Office - Henry Brewis

Its a scene of desolation as you tiptoe through the door
brown envelopes and crumpled bills an ashtray on the floor
Burdizzo calf castrator on the ring-stained window sill
and a cup of last weeks coffee congealed and cold and still
some golf clubs in the corner and a pair of garden shears
and a can of old thibenzole that's been there for umpteen years
and a pocket calculator that's used to do the VAT
but I left it on last sunday and now the batteries flat
the telephone is ringing from underneath a heap
of circulars and mor advice on management of sheep
the desks submerged in paper like a well-used council dump
invoice statement red demand and a broken water pump
grey filing cabinet bulging with  accounts from long ago
hard black books that tell the tale of a farmings ebb and flow
pencils with no lead inside pens that never write
rubbish in a cardboard box that should be set alight
BUT OUT, DONT TOUCH, DONT REARRANGE, -don't tidy up come spring
leave my office well alone or i'll never find a bloody thing....!
My Husband has a fit when I go in the office!! But it gets to the stage that when I want to use it there is no room to do anything on the desk.

11c 15mph SW sunshine and heavy showers. We have missed most of the showers today.

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