
By HelsWels79

The Monkey Inn Thurgoland

I spent the best part of today putting up signs along the bike route in all weathers and shall be doing more of the same tomorrow.

The high point was going a tad off route and discovering this pub. Its the kind of place that would sit comfortably in a field at Glasto and totally unexpected to find in amongst South Yorks villages. Had I been a beer in at Glasto I'd have ventured further than the car park with its crazy art installations to see what was inside but I wasn't so I opted for the safer 'google it later option'.

It was defo once a pub and I'm not sure if it still is, but it holds the landlords art. He once hung on a crucifix around Easter for art so I imagine must be quite a bonkers fella. If you get bored, he's got a few bits of YouTube!.

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