Times Of My Life

By CarolB


Damn, after two days solid of hard gardening graft, my career as a hand model is over! 

Filthy fingernails, scratched arms, nettle stings, midgie bites all over the place, and a cracking blister on my thumb = happy me! 

The patio slabs are nice and clean, the front garden and the back borders are weeded, so is the driveway, G cut the grass, I strimmed the edges and under the wee plum tree.  Then I did the slabs on the path in the back garden, and sorted out all the plants which have been in the 'nursery' area since last year (i.e., behind the garage!). 

Those which have survived are now enjoying a lovely soak, preparatory to planting tomorrow. 

Oh, I have had a nice time!

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