Black Mountains Blips

By Hanneke3

Re-Energising the Mind...

The last day of Re-energising the Mind today and I am feeling a little sad that it is all over!

Last year I received a small lottery grant to run print making workshops for people with early stages of dementia. It has been fantastic and Sue (local artist) and I have managed to run 3 blocks of 8 workshops from September last year till this week.

I am working hard on getting more funding to continue the project. It isn't easy mind... But the attendants have had so much fun and it has benefitted everyone so much that we hope to get funding for an expanded project so we can reach more people.

It has taken sufferers and their carers out of isolation, has given them a morning out of the monotony of daily living with Alzheimers & co, has triggered creativity, people have made new friends and done things they had never imagined they could do. On top of which, memory test results have gone up notches, one particpant has started  looking through the newspaper again for the first time in two years, do I need to go on?

It has been AMAZING!

Any ideas for funding to continue with these workshops gratefully received!

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