Slab Square

We called it 'Slob Square'.

Old Market Square in Nottingham.


We 'went to Nottingham' . It was a crazy town. It had two shopping centres when most cities had one or none. It had the 'trip'. It had the best campus in the UK.

It had the Dunkirk Chippy.

It had Jesse Boot.

It had bacon sandwiches in Beeston on a hungover Saturday Morning.

It had skittles.

It had shit beer.

It had Twy and Roo. Tempest. Beryl and Dave. Stod. Kevin and Tina. Simon Bumfluff. Norsworthy. Triggsy. Laker. Several Andys. Charlie Rose. Dave Street. Alex. Big Nige. Big Dave. Little Dave. Gail. Fiona Welsh. Hilary Harding. Alan from Frome, Rich. Dedge. Anthony Dedgerdon? Jude and Rachel. Meaty Beaty. Piers. Nick. Wally. Lind. Harry. Binny. Ben? Stu? and of course, H. 

Wollaton Hall??

Slabs. Slob Square. Rain.

It's raining here. On our reclaimed slabs.

Funny how the memory works, Eh?

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