
By katgirl

Stalker turned thief

Bob decided to join me at the dog park today. He likes to bring his Captain America shield to protect himself from jumping large or slobbering dogs. There weren't any dogs doing either today. But the brown dog, named Shady, stalked Bob from the moment we walked in. She stayed by his side just staring at him and ignoring the other dogs. Bob tried to run around to shake her off, but she was unshakable. Her owner was unknown to us, as he or she was not nearby and never called out to or made any gestures towards the dog.

After about a half hour, a woman approached and said that Shady was not obsessed with Bob, but with his shield. She thought his shield was a Frisbee. So Bob gave it a toss and immediately regretted it. Shady took off at great speed with the shield, delighted with the carrying handle. Bob and Cleo spent 5 minutes chasing her until she dove under the picnic table, where Blue's owner was able to take the shield away from her. At least Bob got some exercise!

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