A Quiet Day...?

We've enjoyed a weekend without the sounds of heavy equipment, but my quiet day, which began with a big "shop" at the food co-op, ended with the baking of cookies for the work crew that never ended! I used a time-tested recipe from earlier years, but hadn't noted how many cookies it made, which apparently is a dozen dozen or so, as I've managed to bake only half of the recipe tonight. I had much more stamina two decades ago!

This thoughtful Anna's Hummingbird epitomizes how I felt this morning, while the extra photo, of a male Rufous Hummingbird making frequent forays to our feeder, ruby gorget flashing, is how I felt late afternoon today. Writing this at 9pm, I feel wiped out!

So I'll sprinkle some hearts and stars on today's blips, and catch up with you all tomorrow, the start of a new month---I hope!

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