
By Harri8


Riverside walk before work; was incensed to discover that I'd forgotten to replace the memory card in my camera. So iphone it was, as I kneeled at the water's edge (a bit careless of me considering the black trousers and large amounts of duck/goose poo), snapping the many breakfasting and preening birds.
"Hey you! Don't jump!" I looked up and saw this gleaming smile. He was joking. The water was inches deep. I smiled back and carried on.
When I was bird replete, I made my way back, and parked up by the boathouses was the gleaming smile.
"Can I just tell you something?"
Me: "Yuh"
"I was watchin' you down there, photographin' the birds ... gracefully stoopin' down, watching them ... and you looked so absorbed, in a kinda zone. And, man, you give out a reeeal positive energy and goood karma ... could almost touch it and I thought, I need to stay an absorb ..."

Ummm, this was surprising totally unexpected, as graceful I am not - clumsy clot, I am. As for the positive energy, well that's just hilarious right now.

Anyway, his name is Simeon and his fabulous smile was/is far more memorable than my barely mediocre bird shots.

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