
By FarmerGirl

Every photo has a story to tell

We left Christchurch after lunch today, as TeeJay had an appointment in the morning.  After the appointment, she wanted to go to the Photo Warehouse.......and I was eager to go (just to look of course!).  What a place - if only I had some spare money, I would go mad in that shop.  Although I didn't purchase anything, I did assist TeeJay in spending her money - something I find quite exciting doing!

After lunch and a quick spot of shopping, we headed home, back to Murchison.  Ten minutes north of Hanmer Springs, we came across a car accident that had only just happened.  Luckily there was only one car involved, and the driver (and her dog) were ok - just a bit shell shocked.  Her car, which was a write off, was in the middle of the road, so with the assistance of a lovely young man who stopped ahead of us, Farmerboy towed (or should I say drag) the car off the road.  TeeJay and I directed traffic - one at each end of the highway.  The lady rang her brother, who was coming from Christchurch to pick her up. We stayed around for a while to make sure she was ok, and then we proceeded on with our trip.

We arrived home to the fire lit, and the jug on.  It was lovely catching up with the boys again, and hearing how their past few days had gone.

Thank you TeeJay for coming with Farmerboy and myself on the trip.  It was fun, and one day we will do it again!

I took this photo looking over to Hanmer Springs, while waiting with the lady who had had the accident.

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